Jokes about court

-When did you see victim last time.
- In the night from 28th to 1st.
-In which month?
-You wont believe .....

Jokes about doctors

-Nobody understands me!
-What you mean?

-Doctor I will not pay to you, I included you in my testament, is it ok?
-Of course, just give me back your recipe, I will make some changes.


-Doctor, I have a problem, little man is sitting in my head and cursing. Could you help?
-Of course, it will cost you 10 000 dollars.
-Doctor, do you want to know, what little man just said?

Jokes about helpdesk

-Hello, is this technical support?
-Yes, how can I help you?
-Which browser is installed on my computer?
-Well, if you asks certainly it is Internet Explorer.