Jokes about high tits

If to pump a helium instead of silicone, you can get really high tits. ************************************************ England, an ancient castle. The family met in an exceptional event the daughter of a noble family became the call girl. The first in a prolonged silence, took the word Lord himself: - This is a dark stain on our glorious history. My daughter has disgraced us all! After a short pause he added: - In our family no one ever worked!
-What is progress? -Previously, Piligrims were selling necklaces to indians, now it's opposite. ************************* 
Boy: Hi! What a cool jacket! Blonde: Can you imagine, and I have absolutely nothing underneath there! Boy: Do not worry they will grow! 
 Husband to wife: - Honey, do me this ... well this ... - Well, my love! ... ... . . Pleased ​​husband, after this: - To hell with coffee!

Jokes about good, bad and smart girls

In car accident good girl cries along with you, bad - asks why are you crying, smart keeps silence
Good girls dress accurately, bad - defiantly, smart - fast
Good girls are sleeping in pajamas, bad - naked, smart - depends on the situation
Good girls are true to her husband, the bad - a lover, smart - to both
Good girls believe in pure love, the bad - believes in big love, smart - in a good sex
Good girls have a job, bad - the sponsor, smart - owns a business

Do you know what thunder is?

Blonde: Do you know what thunder is?
Browne: No.
Blonde: It's Google making photo maps from space.
Blonde:Do you know where light are gone at night?
Browne: No
Blonde: It's in the fridge.
 -I thing boobs and brains are made from the same material
-Why is it so?
-So bigger boobs so smaller brains.

Jokes about blondiness

Blondes! If your hair is turning black at the roots - your brain still resists!

Blonde bought japan bicycle, can't ride, wheel is on the right side.

Blonde in movie

Director: Congratulations, you get a bed scene.
Blonde: What I'm suppose to do?
Diretor: Sleep with candle in your hands, everybody will be kissing you!

The Proposal

Man: It's hard to find according words.

 Blonde: That's ok honey, just find according amount...


How to attract blonde

If you want to be attractive for blonde, you should be smart, handsome and rich or ... be a cat.


B: Wake up, honey, I came from your dream!
H: What dream?
B: You sweetest dream!
H: Did they expelled you?

Blonde at the mirror

Blonde at the mirror: I think I am ugly, could you tell something good about me?
Husband: You have very good vision!


Blonde: Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful girl in the world?
Mirror: Step aside, I cant see behind you!

Blonde thinks

Who wants to be a millionaire:
Telecaster: 4 words,  A:carrot, B:onion, C:cabbage, D:Lexus, remove that doesnot fit
Blonde: carrot, onion, cabbage...


Blonde believes, that a man should guess what blonde wants, not to ask. When a man begins to follow his guesses, she does not think so anymore.


Blonde to the doctor: I have no children.
Doctor: Is it inborn? Did your mother have children?

jokes about web camera sleeplessness

Blonde complain of sleeplessness
-Last night I woke up 12 times and each time could not fall asleep 


-Why blonde sits naked before web camera?
-Because computer says we need to prove you are a human.


-With how many men did you have relationships with?
-Why so few?
-Bad week.