How Blonde can break a leg collecting leaves?

Question: How Blonde can break a leg collecting leaves?
Answer: Easy, by falling from the tree.
Question: How can you know is relationship serious?
Answer: If they are taking mortgage loan together.

Who wrote fairy tale about mermaid?

Professor: Who wrote fairy tale about mermaid?
Blonde: Anderson
Professor: But name
Blonde: Pamela?

Hold the wheel!

He: Stop dancing!
She: Why?
He: Just, please stop dancing!
She: Why, it's cool music!
He: Please, stop dancing, hold the wheel!
Blondie1: Did you break up with your boyfriend?
Blondie2: No, he said, according to law I have to do my duties for two weeks until he finds a replacement.

What you mean no cigarettes?

Blonde in supermarket:
Blonde: Give me some cigarettes.
Seller: we have no cigarettes.
Blonde: What you mean no cigarettes?
Seller: It's the same thing as we have cigarettes, only in reverse.
Ordinary bears think that white bears are fool.

What an ugly girls get out from beauty salon. I think they are donors- donors of beauty- salon can't make beauty from nothing so it suck it out from those girls.
Woman who don't want anything from you can take away everything.

The snake bites soldier John. Doctor says somebody have to suck out poison. Buddies found nurse and said:
" Hurry John is mocking, you have to suck out or he will dye."
After some time buddies come in to room and see blonde is sucking in the wrong place. They ask:
"John why did not you tell her to suck in other place."
John: "To hell with life, I never feel better."

Most kind blonde in the world

There are found most kind blonde.
She buy live fishes and let them free.
In the woods.
In San Francisko  took place competition of most stupid name. Winner named Winner took the first place.
My wife says I am too impulsive. How could she know, we just met yesterday.
Q: Was he alone? Are you shure?
A: Yes, I can count very well to 1.
She:That's it. I am leaving you.
He:Who are you and why did you came here?