Joke about Blonde and boomerang

Blonde from balcony: I did not like your boomerang from Australia and I throw...
-Do you have potatoes?
-Yes, but only free
-What the difference between free and full version?
Blonde:Do yo have condoms?
Man:No but I have Vaseline.

Blonde on the road

Policeman stops a luxury car. Blonde behind the wheel:
-Miss, you've just crossed a double continuous line.
- I'm what? ..
- You've crossed a double continuous line!
- Where?
- Please, get out of the carLook down, you can see two strips?
The blonde, looking down with horror:
- What? Two stripsOh, my God! I'm pregnant!:

Joke about the patient who ate hamburger

Patient: Doctor, I ate hamburger with packaging foil, will I die?
Doctor: We all shall die someday.
Patient: We all- oh my God! What I have done!

Jokes about airplane crushing

The crew prepare for landing!  
- Flight engineer, report the situation!
- The left landing gear is missing!
- Emergency landing! Waitress! Is there still alcohol?
- Yes!
- Give the passengers not to worry!
- You already issued after take-off, they are now rolling some wheel on the passage ...

Blonde in tears

Blonde cries: I cant go to wedding today!
F: Why?
B: Because wedding is tommorrow!


Blonde: why are you telling me I am stupid, the fact you are 7 years older than me does not mean I am stupid,  when I will be 29 and you get 65 then we shall see who is stupid.


Blonde in bed with movie director: Why dont you tell me you are animation movie director


Blonde always have teargas in her handbag, in case she wants to cry

Jokes about blonde appearance

Blonde: The cucumber mask helps to improve my appearance a lot!
Husband: Of course, my dear ... I just do not understand - why are you taking it off?

Jokes about blonde and car

I came into car parking and cant believe my eyes- blonde is pouring oil in the engine. I came closer - no it's all right, she is pouring oil into washer tank.

Psychologist jokes

Doctor: -Have you ever seen whiskey devils?
Patient: -No
Doctor: -Wanna see?

Jokes about bunnies

-What to do if your bunny is sick?

Consultations of experienced  cook in TV show.


-If you feed your men with garlic and carrots he will be invincible in bed
-Did you try?
-No, but experiments with bunnies proved it!